There’s only 3 days left of Sale-a-bration!!!
I hope you got the free items that you wanted.
I’m offering a 3 day special. Place a $60 order and I will send you these 5 card kits in the mail. Offer ends March 31. You will also receive a free sale-a-bration item.
One of the free items could be this Beautiful Botanical Butterfly Designer Series Paper.
The Butterfly Duet Punch is back in stock which is what I used to punch out the butterflies for my card.
I’m featuring the Friendly Expressions stamp set today. All 5 cards were made with one sentiment from the stamp set.
Wouldn’t this make a great teacher or Mother’s Day gift?
Click on a picture below to go to my online stamping store.
Product List
Please use this hostess code #6KT2ZDGJ if placing an online order.
Thanks for stopping by,